Helping women with HIV and Aids and other disadvantaged women find new hope in Jesus Christ
September 2018 Cape Town, South Africa
Jesus said: “I have compassion for these people.” (Mark 8:2)
Dear Evangeline Friends:
When I visited Cape Town in March 2005 to lead a Communications workshop, without any
warning, my life was changed! Sitting in a worship service for women suffering from HIV and
AIDS, God’s compassion for them filled my heart and soul. Where I had little interest before,
now, I had to follow God’s call to show His compassion to women who at that time, could
expect so little of it from their families, bosses or their communities. It was out of this
compassion that Evangeline Ministries was born! Everyone involved in Evangeline has this same
godly compassion. Thirteen years later, with your help, Evangeline continues to show the love
and compassion of Jesus to women who face incredibly difficult lives as we teach them Sewing,
Computer and English Skills and Life’s lessons from the Bible. When they graduate, each
student receives a Bible, new sewing machine and best of all, a sense of how much God loves
and cares for them.
Clothe yourselves with compassion.” (Colossians 3:12)
In our current July-December class, we have a varied and wonderful group of women who are
working towards their graduation in December. However, we have been sometimes overcome with grief and pain as we hear of the difficulties some of them face. We are refocusing on the
compassion God has called us to give. Margaret came into class
recently hobbling in pain. One of her feet was bandaged and badly swollen. Her face was bruised. She showed me the scars on her back. She had been brutally beaten by
an ex-boyfriend. Another student comes to class
but can hardly look up. She has been sexually abused and forced by an older relative to marry a man she did not even know, and all for money!
Truthfully, there is hardly a class in which we do not take in women who have had or are undergoing some kind of abuse. Naturally this makes it difficult for them to learn. As teachers we must
remind ourselves always that God has sent to us,”
the least of these.” Rather than feel helpless we have agreed, as well as giving them much needed skills, to show them God’s love and care and pray much for each of our students. Thankfully, there are times when we can help. Nompucuko came to class so well dressed but hobbling in pain. Her foot had been damaged by a clothes line that fell on it and punctured it.
She did not want to miss class. She also knew that it would take her hours to wait in the free clinic that serves Masiphumelele. She did not
even have pain-killers to take. I insisted she find help right away and took her to the clinic but the doctor did not come in that day. Nompucuko was prepared to wait but I knew she needed help
right away so took her to the False Bay Hospital. Thankfully they attended to her that afternoon and she came back to class the next day
beaming. Her foot was properly cared for and healing had begun. “ I feel so much better” she said the next time I saw her.
“His father saw him and was filled with compassion” (Luke 15:20)
We have also had to put away our anger and pray God’s compassion for those who broke into
our classroom and stole three of our laptops and projector. This was something we never
expected and suspicion that it might be someone we trusted made us really angry. With God’s
help, the generous gifts of friends, and your support, we have replaced our computer equipment.
We pray for those who stole our machines for God’s love and compassion to touch and change
their hearts.
Here in Cape Town, Evangeline Ministries has been blessed by the love and care and support of
Bishop Eric Pike and his wife Joyce. I share with you verses from two prayers he wrote as my
prayer and for you to make it your prayer.
“Lord God I beseech you to give me your gentleness and your kindness. That you may live
your life in me and that I may live each day in awareness of you. Lord Jesus Christ of the
wounded heart, break our hearts with compassion for the broken.”
May we ask that as you read this newsletter, you pause and thank God for his compassionate
love for us. Ask Him to fill you and us with His compassion always.
Evangeline Ministries thanks God for each of you who, because of your compassion, pray,
encourage and financially support this ministry. We ask you to continue your support as we
continue to serve the least of these in the name of Jesus Christ!
Sincerely in Christ
Wendy E. Ryan (PhD Honoris Causa)
We invite you to visit our website: to see our recent updates and
to contribute online. You can write to us at: Evangeline Ministries, 5501 Merchants View
Sq#277 Haymarket, VA 20169: [email protected] or [email protected]