Helping women who live with HIV and Aids and other disadvantaged women fine new hope in Jesus Christ.
July 2018 Cape Town, South Africa
Graduation Day July 7, 2018!
On Saturday July 7, it was with delight that Evangeline Ministries awarded Bibles, Certificates and new Sewing Machines to nineteen (19) remarkable women who had successfully completed our six-month Life skills program. Faced with the unrelenting challenge of poverty and its
consequences, the students battle ill health, hunger, township crime, unemployment and a lack of self-esteem. It was quite an achievement for nineteen out of the twenty-four who started in January, to have completed this course
The unfolding of your words gives light. (Psalm 119:130 NIV)
We learned however, that completing the course is more than sewing, English and computer success. As students learn lessons for life from the Bible, the Scripture does what is promises to do to anyone who reads and listens, it brings light into the darkness of our lives.
It was unusual for Angela to miss a class. When we asked her why, she shared it was because of a crisis in her family with her son. A gifted student, he was expelled from university because of drug addiction which was a shock to her. As she and her family struggled with the situation she said to me: “When I came to this class, I was not interested in any Bible lessons. Now I don’t know how I would have handled this without being able to come here, learn and study the Bible.” As the crisis worsened, and became life-threatening, with the help of wider family and counselors, Angela learned that there were things she had done that had contributed to her son’s breakdown. A day before class ended, she came to me again. “I have good news and some progress to report,” she said. “When I learned about my part in my son’s struggle, I did something we never do in our culture. I told him I was sorry and want to build a new relationship. I want you to know I never would have been able to do that, if it had not been for this course and the lessons from the Bible you teach us. My son and I have begun a new relationship.” We praised God together!
Evangeline graduates achieve continued success!
Phumla has just registered her catering business and sews her staff uniforms, and
Sibanda is a manager at one of our top food stores! His manager says: “Sisanda is a wonderful addition to our staff.”
So, we go on doing what God has called us to do.
Our July-December 2018 classes have begun and again twenty-four (24) students have come to us with high hopes that what we offer will make a big difference in their lives. It will! Especially as they trust in the abundant love God has for each of them through Jesus Christ His Son-the Light of the World.
Thank You for your continued support!
We thank God for each of you who contribute to help these students learn sewing, computer and English skills, and even more, learn lessons of life and light from God’s Word.
We invite you to visit our website: to see our recent updates and to contribute online. You can write to us at: Evangeline Ministries, 5501 Merchants View Sq#277 Haymarket, VA 20169: [email protected] or [email protected]
Sincerely in Christ
Wendy E. Ryan (PhD Honoris Causa)
Evangeline Ministries, 5501 Merchants View Sq#277, Haymarket, VA20169.
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