Helping disadvantaged women in Cape Town, South Africa find new hope in Jesus Christ!
February 2018 2018 Cape Town, South Africa
Dear Evangeline Friends:
Warm greetings to each of you from sunny and always beautiful Cape Town, South
Africa. While the severe water crisis in Cape Town is world-wide news, at Evangeline
Ministries we can report the good news that the first 2018 class is well underway with a
capacity of twenty-four students who are doing very well. It is always a joy for us to
welcome them, filled as they are with hopes and dreams for their future. They are
enjoying their sewing, computer, English and Bible classes and the free lunch we serve.
Among the new students is Tatenda (on the left) who travels more than two hours from the township of Phillipi to arrive at class for 9.00 am. A faithful Christian, she heard about the class from one of my
friends, who knew of her unfortunate circumstances and wanted to help her. Unable to
finish high school because of poverty, she lives with her family as they struggle to
survive. Her earnings as a domestic worker and the child grant she receives from the
government, are barely enough to keep them in food. Her husband works only when he
can get a day time construction job.
Determined to do better, Tatenda does not let the distance deter her from coming to class
on time. Because she is so committed and desperate to learn, Evangeline helps her with
her weekly transportation costs. We are delighted to have her! Like Tatenda, almost none
of the students have any computer or sewing experience and their educational levels are
very low. They are not used to reading and understanding what they read. It is a
challenge for them to both ask and anser questions but they slowly warm up to the
challenge. They are at Evangeline Ministries because they have heard of a place where
they can get some skills and find great hope in Jesus Christ.
Graduation December 2017
As we enjoy teaching another wonderful group of students in 2018 we look back with
happy and grateful hearts to our December 2017 Graduation where 23 students received
their new Sewing machines, Bibles and Certificates. God bless them!
Water Crisis
Like many, I chafe at the current water restrictions here in Cape Town, yet have found
that I can live with the daily required amount of thirteen gallons. For example, I can
shower for two minutes twice a week, wash one load of clothes and the same with the
dishwasher. I buy all drinking water and find that some restaurants now ask me to pay
for drinking water, and other restrictions are in place. What we all dread and are hoping
to avoid is the day the taps are turned off and we have to go to a collection point for
water. And yet, this is exactly what millions of people have to do daily in townships and
other places of poverty in South Africa and the world. The women in our class say they
are the ones who must get the water from the drinking places. They must wash their
clothes with little and bathe sometimes with less and not frequently. One of our
graduates recently shared how she copes also with no electricity! I keep all of this in my
heart during this time.
Christ came to bring us “living water that springs up into eternal life!” He is water of
life! We must share His life, light, hope and justice!
Thank You!
We thank God for you as you partner with us to help disadvantaged women in Cape
Town, South Africa. Lives are being changed and we ask you to continue your support
of this ministry of life, light, hope and justice that is making such a difference in Cape
Sincerely in Christ
Wendy Ryan
Evangeline Ministries, 5501 Merchants View Sq#277, Haymarket, VA20169.
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